Friday 25 July 2014

The diet also helps healing

An important place in the treatment and prevention of eczema in the acute phase falls on properly selected diet. The food of the patient should be relaxing, with plenty of vitamins and trace elements. You should not use citrus fruits, strawberries, wild strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, melons, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, milk, smoked foods, semolina porridge, spices, spirits. The diet must include vegetarian soups, gruel of oats, wheat, rice, buckwheat, boiled beef, boiled or baked potatoes, cottage cheese products, sunflower oil and fresh cucumbers. The fruits most useful are the Green apples, plums and cherries.
For patients with eczema can prepare the following salads:

-Salad of dandelion leaves with grated fresh carrot and beet salad, seasoned with cream or vegetable oil and cheese.
-Salad of leaves of plantain and parsley with added grated horseradish, seasoned with cream.
-Salad of sliced pistils of horsetail with green onion, Sorrel and dandelion leaves.
-Salad of finely chopped parsley and dill, forged in vegetable oil.

As the first meal is recommended the Borscht of nettle, from the leaves of the beet, carrots and sorrel. For second-cutlets of spinach, nettles, parsley, to which are added eggs, cheese and flour and pureed sorrel. For third-sour of rhubarb. Very useful is the juice of beets, carrots and cabbage in equal parts. The use of should be limited to 1-2 times a week.
Cleansing the body is essential

Purification of the organism from toxins is an important stage in the treatment of eczema. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the work of intestines. In the menu of the patient must be present also soured milk, beets and celery. Boiled beets cut into pieces or grate the cheese and mix with fennel in the form of a salad, seasoned with sunflower oil. Celery is also used as a salad or as juice, which take 1-2 teaspoons three times a day. These products help to purify the intestines of slags and toxins and normalize the intestinal.To regulate the metabolism recommended Earth Apple. It contains many useful substances, including  substance  which improves the metabolism in the body. Earth Apple appears andeffect and strengthens immunity. Today, it can be bought from pharmacies in the form of tablets. If you find them, take 1 Tablet 4 times a day.
To improve metabolism, help and some other preparations of vegetable origin, e.g. Yarrow extract, which is taken at 30-40 drops a half hour before eating, and buttery soft parts extract of the fruits of the hips, which take 1 teaspoon 1 time per day.
In Fact!
It should be known that in the acute period of disease the sauna is contraindicated. The affected areas of the skin must be kept from moisture and hot water, and where entry into the tub, painful patches on skin is smeared with cream and covered with a thin cotton fabric.

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